The staff at Glass Torch Technologies are happy to help you setup your studio by offering hose, connections, fittings, foot pedals and regulators to maximize your budget by getting exactly what you need.
With extensive knowledge about different setup options, we are able to build the hose with the proper connections attached to take the guesswork out of torch setup. For a minimal fee we can put all necessary fittings, connections and regulators together for an "out of the box" or "ready to run" assembly.
We are very familiar with the needs of all studio types and needs. From the single concentrator bead torch to the huge studio with multiple 3 stage torches to plumb together we are able to assemble the setup with ease.
Foot pedals are very popular for 2 and 3 stage torches that we build. The addition of a foot pedal can be confusing and time consuming to add to the setup. We have the knowledge and experience to make a complete “ready to run” foot pedal and torch assembly that is well thought out and functions flawlessly.
We also sell all pieces individually so you can build or modify your current setup to fit your needs.
Installation / Setup Charge:$5.00 per set of connections