The Kobuki Torch is a three stage Triple Mix torch with separately controlled center, middle and outer fires. The center fire is the standard 7 jet Lynx torch. The middle fire is the Phantom torch with 15 jets, and the outer fire is a single ring with 27 jets. The Kobuki torch was designed for those who love the Phantom size flame, but needed more heat for fast melt-ins and rapid heating for production work.
This torch is capable of imitating no less than 4 other torches plus a flame type all its own. The Kobuki has the flame types of the Lynx, Phantom, Mirage, Delta Elite and the wider Kobuki flame. This is a highly versatile torch that is a great option for those that need the heat of the Delta Elite with the option of having the entire lineup of torches that lead up to it.
The Kobuki torch was requested by, and ultimately named after the world renowned artist John Kobuki. He loved his Phantom but desired more heat for a faster penetrating heat. The Kobuki torch was designed to be compact, making it easy to work behind without the torch blocking the line of view. A single stage or two stage foot pedal can be used to control the Phantom second fire and the Kobuki outer fire. From the tiny pinpoint flame of the 7 jet Lynx center fire to the capability and wider than a Delta Elite flame, this torch is the ultimate in versatility.
The Kobuki torch comes with 2' of 3/16" hose and adapters with filter screens to adapt to standard 1/4" ID grade "T" hose on each stud. The Kobuki torch comes standard with a purple manifold, red, blue and green valve caps and rack and pinion adjustment. It is mounted on a powder coated base that has holes for securing the base to the work table. Also included are complete instructions and a cleaning kit.
Complete torch, foot pedal and hose assemblies are available from GTT. All or just part of the setup can be assembled by GTT for a ready to run torch assembly. Please visit the foot pedal and hose assembly pages for prices and options.